Sunday, February 11, 2007

I am a witch

We were sitting down at a table, just talking. Somehow we started discussing witches, and how cool it would be to be one. At that moment I thought of telling her that I was a witch, just as a joke. "Ariel, I have to tell you something, I'm a witch." I said it to her very seriously, and I did not make it seem like I was lying. She looked at me and laughed, "Yeah, right!" I did not smile back, "I'm serious, why would I lie to you about this?" Her smile turned into a weak grin, "No, really, tell me the truth. I don't believe you, you can't be a witch!" "Fine," I answered, "Don't believe me." We remained in silence for a while, and then she said, "Are you serious?" "Of course I am. If I wasn't I wouldn't be telling you." I told her she had to promise me she would never tell anyone, because my parents did not let me say anything about it. Ariel started getting unconfortable, I could tell she wanted to leave. She started moving her chair away from me, but she did it very slowly so that I would not notice. As I was telling her all this, I heard my mom coming down the stairs to where we were. While she came down I told Ariel, "Don't say anything. If my mom finds out I told you she will kill me." She was very silent and still while my mother talked to me. When my mother left Ariel asked me, "Can you do magic?" "Of course," I answered, "I have a wand, and those witch hats over there," I pointed to some witch costume hats, "those are real." Ariel looked terrorized. We did not talk for about 5 minutes. Inside, I could not stop laughing, but I knew it would be difficult to convince her I was not a witch, because she had seriously believed it. I started laughing out loud and told her, "Ariel, you know I'm lying, right?" She looked at me, and did not smile. "I was lying," I repeated. "No, all you said sound real. I don't know what to believe." She answered. I laughed out loud. "Now I am serious. How could I be a witch? They don't exist!" Ariel was still not totally convinced, but I could tell she was a little relieved. "So, all this was a joke?" she asked, "All of it." I answered. Ariel smiled and we both laughed.
More than two years have gone by since that day, but I still laugh about it, and remember how funny it was to see Ariel's reactions to my lie.

1 comment:

English Blog said...

hahahahahahaha!! this story is soooo funny!!! it's really hilarious!! i like it!!!!